PKT Units and Fees

As with all blockchains, every transaction of PKT is exact, however unlike other blockchains, the number of atomic units in the PKT coin is not a power of 10.

With Bitcoin there are 100,000,000 atomic units ("satoshis") per bitcoin. With PKT there are 2 to the 30th power (1,073,741,824) atomic units. While this is strange number in base-10, in binary it is a perfectly even 1 followed by thirty zeros.

The binary nature of PKT has a few caveats, for example it means sending 0.01 PKT is actually impossible. This is because 0.01 would corrispond to 10,737,418.24 atomic units. Since they are atomic (indivisible), this must be rounded to the nearest whole number: 10,737,418. When this divided by 230, it results in 0.009999999776482582. Therefore, all GUI wallets and explorers adopt the following convension:

  1. PKT amounts are always expressed with two decimal places and rounded to nearest, so 1,084,479,242 atomic units is displayed as 1.01 PKT.
  2. If the amount is less than 1 PKT, the amount is displayed as milli-pkt or mPKT and multiplied by 1,000, so 10,737,418 atomic units is displayed as 10.00 mPKT
  3. If the amount is less than 1 mPKT, the amount is displayed as micro-pkt or μPKT and multiplied by 1,000,000, so 107,374 atomic units is displayed as 100.00 μPKT.
  4. If the amount is less than 1 μPKT, the amount is displayed as nano-pkt or nPKT and multiplied by 1,000,000,000, so 107 atomic units is displayed as 99.64 nPKT. A single atomic unit is displayed as 0.93 nPKT.

While these are the convensions adopted by all GUI wallets and explorers. Exchanges and merchants may choose to forbid transaction of amounts less than 1 PKT, thus they need only implement #1 because they will never display an amount of less than 1 PKT.


PKT uses bitcoin-like computation for determining fees. Because the blockchain has a 1 minute block time, there is generally plenty of space for transactions in the blocks and the typical fee is the minimum: 1 atomic unit per byte of transaction size.

The size of a transaction depends on the number of transaction inputs and outputs. The number of outputs is simply the number of addresses you are paying, plus one more to re-route change back to yourself. The number of inputs depends on where the coins you are sending have been sourced from. If you are mining PKT, then you may have many tiny transactions which you need to aggregate in order to make a payment.

Currently, wallets do not create transactions with more than 1,460 inputs. This results in a transaction of just under 100,000 bytes and thus costing right around 100,000 atomic units or 93.13 μPKT, that is micro-pkt or millionths of a PKT (for the largest possible transaction).

A more typical transaction size would be around 1,000 bytes and thus cost 1,000 atomic units, or 931.32 nPKT (billionths of 1 PKT).

In almost every case, the fees will disappear when the transaction is rounded to display the 2 decimal places. It is possible, though vanishingly unlikely that your wallet could display 10.00 PKT and after sending exactly 5 PKT your wallet displays 4.99. This would happen if the actual amount you had was 9.555555556 PKT, rounded to 10.00 and after sending exactly 5 PKT, the miniscule fee caused it to cross a rounding boundary and become 4.555555553.

If you wish to perform analytical accounting, it is recommended that you deal exclusively in atomic units, represented as an int64, and only represent PKT for display purposes.