PKT Useful Tools

This is a mostly un-moderated list of FREE tools, websites and software built by the PKT Cash community. Beware, anyone can contribute their own links and does not verify them.

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Chain Analysis Explorer

The blockchain explorer gives insights into the blockchain, active mining pools and their performance, and your mining profits.

Analytics dashboard covering many aspects of the PKT blockchain including a block explorer, transaction graphs, mining rewards, WPKT transactions and much more.

Packetscan is a block explorer for the PKT Cash blockchain. Look up transactions, blocks, addresess, balances, chain stats and more.

Mining Yield and Performance Calculators

Ke/s calculator to see your profits!

Mining Profitability Calculator

Estimate performance and potential PKT Cash announcement miner earnings for a huge selection of CPUs.

Mining Tools


A simple to use GUI for PacketCrypt. Available on MacOS, Windows and Linux.

Configuration Generator

Quickly generate and download a PacketCrypt config.json file.


Decimation Tracker

When will the next PKT Cash decimation be? Never miss another decimation with the PKT Watch Decimation Tracker.

PKT Tips

Mining tips and tricks for memebers who are new to the PKT project.