
Within the PKT Network, a revolutionary feature allows websites and media platforms to use their web URLs as PKT payment addresses, which fundamentally transforms how transactions are processed online. This unique capability enables peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions directly between users and content providers without the need for centralized payment processors. By utilizing their URLs as payment addresses, website owners and media platforms can directly receive payments in PKT, bypassing traditional financial intermediaries and their associated fees.

This system not only simplifies the payment process but also significantly reduces transaction costs. Traditionally, payment processors charge a percentage of each transaction as a fee, which can accumulate to substantial amounts, especially for platforms with high volumes of transactions. With PKT Network’s URL-based payment system, these costs are nearly eliminated.

Moreover, this method enhances transaction security and privacy. Since transactions occur directly between the payer and the payee within the decentralized PKT Network, the risks associated with third-party payment processors, delays in payment, charge backs, and financial fraud, are minimized. Additionally, this direct transaction model fosters a closer relationship between creators and their audience, promoting transparency and trust.

By facilitating direct and cost-effective transactions, PKT Network empowers websites and media platforms, making it an attractive option for digital content providers seeking greater control and efficiency in their revenue streams.