Setup a Cjdns Node

This guide will help you set up a cjdns node on a server.


A server running debian based Linux (preferably Ubuntu 22.04)


The easiest way to get a cjdns node installed is using

1. Determine your Peer ID.

To get your Peer ID, first register your cjdns node by choose "Add Unit +" on the PKT Dashboard under the Infrastructure tab.

2. Install

You must replace <peer-id-goes-here> with your actual Peer ID that was provided when you registered your cjdns node in Step 1.

apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install jq curl -у
curl | CJDNS_PEERID=<peer-id-goes-here> sh CJDNS_TUN=false sh

3. Check if you have peers working

cjdnstool peers show
nft list ruleset

4. Make sure your firewall is open

Port 3478 must be accessible from the public internet.

5. Check the tester

Your node should appear on The Cjdns Peer Tester.

  • It should appear within 5 minutes of being started, and should be tested after 10-20 minutes.
  • It will be identified by its Peer ID.

OK means your node passed the test, ConnectTimeout, or other error message means your node could not be reached.

If your node is not showing up enter this command and wait 5 minutes before repeating Step 3:

systemctl restart cjdns-sh.service

This will restart the cjdns node.

6. Wait for the dashboard to update

After the tester has approved your node, the dashboard should update soon after and display status OK in green. This means your node is all set to begin yielding.

Different public port

If you can't expose port 3478 to the public, you can change the port by specifying CJDNS_PORT=<port number> when installing cjdns.

More information

To learn more, check out