Content & Media

PKT Network is built to address the systemic problems that both audiences and content creators are suffering from. Audiences have content fatigue. Every major streaming platform is vying for attention and looking to charge high subscription fees for providing more content than anyone can realistically consume.

Content creators of premium film and TV shows consistently struggle to find fair and reputable distribution. Projects that do find distribution suffer from lack of revenue transparency and systemic distributor failures to provide timely, accurate, royalty statements and payments.

The incumbent platforms are guarded by gatekeepers that notoriously pay low, or zero acquisition fees, charge extremely distribution fees and inefficiently spend marketing dollars that must be recouped before profit participation begins. Mid-tier platforms lack audiences and big marketing budgets, which limits alternatives.

The PKT Network delivers an open media network ecosystem where platforms can launch and reach viewers worldwide with no geofencing. Audiences are paid to power the network. They can choose to cash-out and subsidize their content subscription fees on other platforms, or buy content on a platform in the PKT Network.