Token Supply

Comprising the 6B tokens, the 705 million burned coins from the PoW have been recaptured and allocated back into the coin supply for the Yield Vault Contract, Marketing Fund and Development Team Allocation.

The Yield Vault Contract is the fund that pays daily staking yields and bonus allocations. The Yield Vault includes 365 million recaptured burned PoW coins, which are earmarked to fund the LP Staking yields.

The daily Yield Vault payouts align with a yield curve of the PoW. The yield curve is programmed for 10% of the remaining unyielded tokens to be yielded every 100 days and paid out via daily emissions.

During Epoch 1 daily yields will be paid to all lockups, without requiring infrastructure pairing. Epoch 1 will begin with daily emissions of 900,421.92 PKT per day yield.

Epoch 2 begins on Infrastructure Day, October 30, 2024 at 12:41 UTC. Upon Epoch 2, each stake will be required to pair with one of five different infrastructure node types in order to continue to earn yields (see Infrastructure Yields).

After Epoch 2 a decimation will occur every 100 days and reduce the daily yields by 10%.

The Marketing Fund is held in a multi-sig address with 3 signers.

The marketing fund multi-sig wallet address is: TBD

Signer 1: 0x…

Signer 2: 0x…

Signer 3: 0x…